
Conscious Geisha is a portal for a higher conscious lifestyle inspiring self-mastery through playful wisdom. It is a community sharing valuable insights in the realms of sensual mysticism, aesthetic curation, and harmonious balance. My intention is to deepen your connection with relaxation, intuition, and eroticism; as you further fully surrender into each present moment with more playfulness.

Created through cosmic inspiration and visual artistic expression, Conscious Geisha is a muse, alter ego, and transmission of energy I discovered within. My commitment is to be of service, leading you down a path of self-actualization and awaken you to your divine truth through curious exploration. The inspirational energy of Conscious Geisha was conjured into existence to channel intuitive intelligence and call in wisdom for one’s ascension. Your time here on earth is precious, why not approach life with pure love and grace. Because one of the most valuable gift you can give yourself is that of your own expansion of consciousness. With the emanation of Conscious Geisha, my mission is to share with you the fulfillment of living a life full of playfulness and amorously resonate through the lens of deep self-worth. It is my honor to pass the torch, awaken you to your own authentic powers, and hearten you to live beautifully. 

Conscious Geisha’s principles are grounded on inquiry and sharing empowering wisdom to the community as a sensuous mystic, aesthetic curator, and mistress of harmony. In the light of Conscious Geisha, it is my intent to share my knowledge and be in service to elevate others. My mission is to hold a sacred space for your own cultivation of inner equilibrium and creating simplistic ease in your everyday. As you begin to feel more love and surround yourself in beauty, boundless energy will radiate from within reflecting your external world. Playfulness is the key to opening your heart and being in the moment is where the vitality of playfulness lives. When you reside in the spectrum of lightness, laughter, and creativity; effortless ease will flow and disarm any resistance you may hold. As I unravel the knots that have kept you bound and in limiting beliefs, an awakening will ensue through the transformative energy of Conscious Geisha. As a result, enlightened synergy is the gift of the co-creation between us. As you empower yourself and dive deeper into self-mastery, you will radiate a noteworthy presence. To cultivate inner beauty is indeed a path towards discovering your true essence and a new chapter in your life story. I am here to share my process, wisdom, and my knowledge through my multidisciplinary gifts to enhance the flow of your creative sexual vitality. My values are rooted in ancient wisdom, as well as modern world intuition through the artfulness of being. Regardless of race, nationality, sex, and age, my purpose is to connect you more intimately with yourself and give you the wisdom along with tools to blossom into your full potential. It is my life’s work to lead you on a consciousness-expanding journey towards a passion filled life of beauty and utmost relaxation to surrender into oneness.


What inspired the name Conscious Geisha?

I originally created the essence of Conscious Geisha as an alter ego to expand the realms of my mind and aid in finding the hero within myself. This act of self-love was to further help me understand this powerful woman I kept hidden inside. I desired to know who she was, how she courageously approached life, and her grace. When I looked deeper, I realized this woman was full of love, strength, conviction, compassion, and light. Therefore, I welcomed her as my greatest ally. Conscious Geisha is the divine feminine of my soul. She is my muse. Transmitting Conscious Geisha’s love for living a life full of beauty, creativity, and playful wisdom became my mission. I began to devote myself to sharing my process of attuning to my inner harmony and invoke pure love into the collective consciousness. 

I started to envision an image of the Japanese geisha exuding artistry, discipline, and her power of conscious seduction; as well as blending the vision of an sensuous mystic with vitality, wisdom, and compassion. Like an athlete training for the Olympic games, the radiance of Conscious Geisha inspires others to level up, do the inner work, and master self-discipline. I am inspired to replicate the geishas' tradition of passing artful wisdom like a torch to the next generation. A geisha is beautiful yet erotic woman from the ancient Japanese culture. She's an embodiment that has been around in history for more than 400 years, performing artistic rituals infused with myth and mysticism. She is known for her devotion to nurture passionate excellence as a creative being. The word geisha means arts person. A geisha is a talented, enigmatic, and disciplined woman drawn to the artistic merit and resonance of self-mastery. Although captivating to others, a geisha sees herself as a work of art.

In her masterful journey and through history, the geisha has evolved from being perceived as an entertainer into a disciplined artist who represents a goddess-like essence. Geishas call on us to activate the most extraordinary parts of ourselves and honor who we truly are. Regardless of our sexual preference, gender, ethnicity, religion, or age, the geisha is asking us to have compassion for both our dark and light aspects with a non-judgmental perspective. We are challenged to take full ownership of our desires, hearts’ calling, and surrender to a higher purpose.

Conscious Geisha was created with the intention to be an embodiment of the divine light, gracefully existing in our modern world to emanate love and further enhance deep relaxation into each present moment. In her full resonance, a Conscious Geisha is powerful yet graceful. The vibrational energy of a Conscious Geisha is virtuous in the art of activating sexual energy and expanding aesthetic beauty deep in the heart of humanity. Having Conscious Geisha as my alter ego, muse, and an energy transmission has inspired me to step into my authentic power with unwavering intent. As I celebrate the birth of Conscious Geisha, I recognize my own light through her. I allow her wisdom and passion to express its beauty through me, as I humbly share my heart with you.  


Why “playful wisdom”?

Playfulness in its utmost majestic essence is the expression of effortless personal power. It shows you the chords of your soul’s inner musical instrument, in which you can create the mystical melodies of a conscious life. The secret of wisdom resides in allowing yourself to live every day in a lighthearted, creative, and playful way. “Playful wisdom” is the treasure hidden within you. To reach this breathtaking place inside of you, you are to play. Yes, the game of life and how to play it. The entrance into the playful path is through exploring your own child-like wonder. Universal intelligence flourishes in your ability to rediscover your playfulness. The moment you allow your curiosity to spark, marvel at all of the beauty that exists in the world, and open your heart to magic; you are practicing profound playful wisdom. When you are playful, you are in alignment with your divine spiritual truth. 

Why “awaken your sexual energy”? 

Sexual energy is your life force, power, and vitality. I am asking you to awaken the sexual energy that lies dormant within you and redirect it towards a creative path and higher purpose. This is a grounding last step in my teachings. Your sexual energy is not only applicable to sex and procreation, it is transcendental when directed consciously with deliberate focus. As you are feeling aroused and sexual, come into the awareness that this energy can be preserved and channeled in a new way. When you are feeling turned on or feel a sexual spark, instead of focusing that energy on having sex; focus it on a project or an intention you are desiring to transcend in your life. This energy is cosmic gold. You are conditioned to wasting this valuable energy through sexual pleasures. I recommend that you slow down and examine your relationships. Be mindful of where you are expending energy and your intentions.

Open your mind to a new radical approach. Rather than leaking your sexual energy into solely physical indulgences, use it more consciously. When your sexual energy is harnessed and channelled through sex transmutation, you will have unlimited access to bountiful vital energy and creativity. Sex transmutation is the process of converting sexual energy into an energy of another nature. As sexual energy is converted from a physical energetic expression to a higher more transcendental energetic expression, it gives birth to creative projects, art, literature, businesses, and a life full of purposeful passion. Harnessed sexual energy can activate your divine gifts. There is great potential to transform mediocrity to genius. As you step into your sexual power and realize that you are pure creative energy beyond the physical realm, you will give life to your divine purpose with dynamic vigor. When you activate this vital energy within, more energy will appear organically in your life.  

Why “ignite the fire within”?

Do you ever find yourself waking up to life without optimal joy, deep soulfulness, or intense passion? Have you ever wondered where has the magic gone or is there a creative spark missing in your life? How will you even begin to find this place of aliveness within yourself again? In this present moment, are you all in with your life? And do you feel that your contributions here on earth are worthy? Underneath it all, who are you and who have you become? Certainly this is the right time to ask yourself these thought provoking questions and discover if you possess the desire to ignite the fire within. Are you ready to be lit up, live on purpose, and burn bright with effortless intensity? Do you want to activate your authentic self and align to your higher purpose? If so, then you are being called to ignite the fire within.

“Ignite the fire within” is an invitation to give yourself permission to authentically deep dive into your emotions and consequently choose an external action driven by a powerful internal drive. The consequence of an action is directly connected to the intention you authentically put on it. So when you make a decision to ignite the fire within and your choices are purposeful, you are energetically saying yes to what you deserve to receive. The world subsequently opens up with infinite opportunities just for you. To ignite the fire within is to embrace who you fully are. To liberate and express yourself in this lifetime wholeheartedly. To douse fuel and set your soul on fire because you are alive with full presence in the now. It is a sincere acknowledgement that life is a rare gift and a commitment to chose an authentic way of living with the limited time you are given.

What is “inner beauty redefined”?

Inner beauty redefined is a loving push for you to place greater value on your internal landscape and everyday harmony. When a person feels whole and radiates light from within, their lives becomes an expression of pure love. Inner beauty is vibrant when one gains access to their own powers, sexual vitality, and creative force. One must find a way to cultivate and harness this energy within themselves. Through the inspirational wisdom of the Conscious Geisha, I am in service as your guide to excavate your inner beauty and show you how to be your own internal designer. With my multidisciplinary gifts as an sensuous mystic, aesthetic curator, and a mistress of harmony; I intend on enhancing your capacity for expanding love and consciousness. Using my intuitive gifts, I will move deeper with you within yourself beyond the five senses; in order to reach these unknown corridors inside of you. As your awareness awakens, you will live with an open heart and allow inspiration for self-mastery to unfold with greater ease. I wholeheartedly know that to reach a state of true freedom, your entire physical body, mind, and spirit will need to live in communion. The universe outside is always the mirror of the universe on the inside. In this deep connection with yourself, you will begin to create from a place of majestic radiance.